Artwork Guidelines

Some of the products in our shop will require you to supply some artwork for printing.

Remember, if you encounter any issues while uploading your artwork, double-check everything to ensure accuracy. It's your creation, and we want it to be perfect for you!

We are happy to review your artwork at no extra charge, assuming all submitted artwork is print-ready and approved. However, we understand that mistakes can happen, and that's completely normal.

Guidelines for artwork: Accepted Formats

We accept the following file formats: Adobe Illustrator files (.ai) Adobe Photoshop files (.psd) Encapsulated PostScript files (.eps) Portable Document Format files (.pdf) Each file must be less than 20MB at the time of uploading. If your file exceeds this size, please contact us. When applicable, convert all fonts and text to outlines and use the highest resolution/quality setting. Do not add any cut lines to your artwork as this can lead to multiple cuts being sent to our printers. For graphics with detailed illustrations or text, .ai and .eps files are preferred.


You can either send us the original native Illustrator file or convert it to a PDF. Illustrator & Photoshop files can be saved as PDFs and reopened in Illustrator or Photoshop later. We prefer PDFs because they avoid issues with embedding images. These settings ensure that all elements of your design will be of the highest quality.

RGB & CMYK - What is the difference?

RGB is a colour mode that is made up of Red, Green & Blue light. It is used in screens and therefore backlit producing bright vibrant colours. This method of printing isn't available using a digital press, however we will always print the closest CMYK equivalent. CMYK is the colour mode that we use to print - This is most common in digital print methods; the colours are made up from Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black). We will review your artwork to ensure it meets the requirements of your chosen product. However, please ensure it is exactly as you want it before uploading, as we cannot accept responsibility for mistakes arising from artwork design errors.

Bleed & Safe Zone

Bleed is the part of your artwork that extends past the edge of the label. This is usually the background of your artwork and gets trimmed off when printing. We have bleed to make sure your labels have no white edges. This is to ensure the print is right to the edge of the label if there is any slight natural movement when printing. We require the background of your artwork to extend at least 3mm past the edge of the label to make up its bleed. Most design tools have the option to input your bleed when starting a new project. Other programs such as photoshop don't have this feature, so you will need to make your artwork 3mm larger on each side manually. Example: if your label size is 50mm x 50mm - set the artwork up to 56mm x 56mm (3mm on each side)

Why do we have a safe zone?

We have a safe zone to ensure nothing gets cut off when printing. If you had text going right to the edge of the label, there is a chance it will get trimmed off due to the natural movement when printing. The only part of your artwork that should cross this area should be the background.

What size is it?

You should aim to keep any text, borders or important information at least 2.5mm away from the trim lines (edge of label).